Ensign Global

Ensign Global, LDS Charities & AAP Donates to Lower Manya and Yilo Krobo District Health Directorates

As a follow-up to November 2021 Helping Babies Breathe (HBB) Training Course and Project, Ensign Global College coordinated the distribution of neonatal stimulation and resuscitation equipment to the Lower Manya Krobo and Yilo Krobo District Health Directorates. The equipment was graciously donated by Latter-day Saint Charities to continue to promote the teaching of the HBB curriculum to providers throughout the districts.


The Helping Babies Breathe curriculum teaches neonatal resuscitation skills that can be used during the Golden Minute, or first minute of life, for newborns that struggle to breathe at birth. Thank you to our other partners, the Center for Business, Health, and Prosperity at the University of Utah and Health2Go, for their continued support of contributing to the success of Helping Babies Breathe in Ghana.

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