As an international leader in public health, Ensign Global University has organized numerous conferences across a variety of disciplines. In August 2024, Ensign hosted, "The Public Health Challenge of Human Trafficking – Prevention, Intervention, Reintegration, and Recovery." The conference brought together stakeholders, including the Ghanaian National Police, Attorney General’s Office, and Immigrations Services, committed to ending human trafficking and helping victims reassimilate into society.
Representative from the United States as well as neighboring African nations attended the conference on the Ensign Global campus. Please see the articles below regarding other conferences and events organized by Ensign Global University. You can contact Ensign here if you would like to host an event on campus.

Ensign Global University Promotes Safe Work Environments with OHS Workshop
Ensign Global University hosted a three-day Occupational Health and Safety workshop with David T. Dyjack, Dr.PH, CIH, Executive Director of the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA), U.S.A as the guest speaker. Participants, representing various sectors such as state institutions, security agencies, faith-based organizations, and insurance companies gathered to delve into the importance of health and safety, the right policies approach, and proper implementation of safety policies.

Ensign Global University Joins with University of Utah to Offer a Workshop on Quality Management
Ensign Global University, in collaboration with the David Eccles School of Business at the University of Utah, is excited to offer a second executive education course for senior leaders in healthcare administration January 28-29, 2022 at the Ensign Campus in Kpong, Ghana. This course focuses on quality management and introduces the principles of quality management with a focus on meeting the needs of customers/patients at all levels.