
The MPH degree is an accelerated, intensive one-year program designed for highly motivated students and professionals seeking to enhance their career in public health. The MPH exposes students to a range of important issues affecting global public health. Students benefit from research-informed teaching and opportunities to work with key public health professionals through local community-engaged projects.
The curriculum is designed for students to master all of the necessary competencies needed for today’s public health challenges. Students will complete two semesters of coursework followed by three months of designing and leading community-based health projects (Applied Practical Experience – APE) to complete their original thesis work.
Please explore our course descriptions below and review the full degree requirements. Beyond coursework, students will engage in hands-on public health learning experiences that have an immediate impact. Learn more about the Applied Practice Experience for a comprehensive understanding of the program.
Students will complete the following courses:
First Semester (September - December) | Second Semester (February - June) | (July - September) |
Introduction to Public Health | Communicable and Non-Communicable Disease Control |
Applied Practical Experience and Thesis |
Epidemiology | Public Health Program Planning and Evaluation | |
Biostatistics | Family and Reproductive Health | |
Foundations of Health Promotion | Environmental and Occupational Health | |
Research Design and Methodology | Elective 1 | |
Health Policy, Management, and Leadership | Elective 2 |