Sandra B. Kusitor, PhD

Sandra B. Kusitor, PhD
Currently, Dr. Sandra Boatemaa Kushitor’s research focuses on three distinct, yet related areas of population health: population shifts (disease patterns and mortality, urbanization, dynamics of family change,); public health nutrition (nutrition-related non-communicable diseases (NCD), foodways, the nexus between food environment and health), and governance (food system governance, health system governance).
Dr. Kushitor is skillful in both qualitative and quantitative research methodology. Her recent work has transcended boundaries through the use of transdisciplinary research methods. Her publications have focused on NCD risk factors, hypertension prevalence, treatment and control, health system response to NCDs, and food system governance in Ghana, Eswatini, and South Africa. Her work has influenced food system innovations in the Oforikrom Municipality in Ghana and the Western Cape Province in South Africa through Transformation-labs and policy dialogues with public officials and market women.
Dr. Kushitor has worked as a project manager at the Department of Nutrition and Food Science, University of Ghana, and a postdoctoral fellow at the Food Security Initiative, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa. Dr. Kushitor is currently a full-time lecturer at the Ensign Global University. As a lecturer at Ensign, Sandra teaches, supervises, and mentors students enrolled in the Master of Public Health program. Sandra contributes to community engagement through the projects she oversees. Findings from these community activities inform her teaching and vice versa.
- Mawuli Komla Kushitor1*, Judith William, Deborah Esaa Larbi‐Sarpong, Mary Akua Ampomah,Prince Owusu Adoma, Kennedy T. C. Brightson, and Sandra B Kushitor. (2024) “Primary health care response to noncommunicable diseases: an assessment of Wellness Clinics in Ghana.” BMC Health Services Research (2024) 24:794
- Claudia V. Ewa, Awurabena Q. Dadzie, Veronica Quartey Maxwell Amedi, Richard Okai, Michael Tia-Adjei and Richmond Aryeetey, Sandra B Kushitor. (2024) “Perceptions and experiences of an intervention to improve diets of women and young children in Ghana.” World Nutrition, March, 18–31.
- Maxwell B. Konlan, Helen H Habib, Paulina Addy, Awurabena Q Dadzie, Menno Mulder-Sibanda, Richmond Aryeetey, Sandra B Kushitor. (2024) “Evaluation of the Improved Feeding Practices for the First 1000 Days in Ghana.” World Nutrition, June, 74–86.
- Charles Agyemang,G Agyemang Frempong, A Aikins, Sandra Boatemaa. (2016). Obesity in sub-saharan Africa. Metabolic syndrome. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. 1-13.
- Olutobi Adekunle Sanuade, Sandra Boatemaa, Mawuli Komla Kushitor. 2018/11/7. Hypertension prevalence, awareness, treatment and control in Ghanaian population: Evidence from the Ghana demographic and health survey. Public Library of Science.e0205985 (13- 11).
- Mawuli Komla Kushitor, Sandra Boatemaa. (2018/3/23). The double burden of disease and the challenge of health access: evidence from access, bottlenecks, cost and equity facility survey in Ghana. Public Library of Science. e0194677.